Arrow spotlight: Winter Girls Athletes
Make sure to watch out for these athletes during the Winter CIF season
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About the Contributors
Kalia Bell, Editor-in-Chief
Hi! My name is Kalia Bell, and I am a Editor-in-Chief for The Westlake Wire. Besides writing, I love to play and watch sports. I love spending time with my friends and traveling with my family. I chose to be part of the staff because I’m able to express creativity in the newspaper and the stories I write. My favorite part of writing for the newspaper is putting together multiple sides and perspectives of a story and being able to share it with others. Working together with the staff to create a product we’re proud of has been a great experience that I’m happy to extend.
Breanna Zide, Staff Writer
I enjoy journalism because there are so many different components that come together to become one. Writing, photos, graphics, and source are nothing by themselves, but when they come together journalism is created. I love how every person on the staff is able to express themselves through their work.
Sania Gali, Co-Web-Editor-In Chief,News Section Editor
My name is Sania Gali and I am the Co-Web-Editor in Chief and the News Section Editor for The Arrow. I love journalism because of the exciting stories we write at the Arrow as well as being able to inform the community on important issues. This is my second year on the staff and some of my hobbies are reading classical literature, watching the Office, and being outdoors with my dog Misty.